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Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bukan semua orang faham kita.


Bukan semua orang faham kita.


Allah swt faham kita
Pandang kiri kanan.
sebab dari kecik lagi,
nak merasa kasih seorang ayah tu susah
sebab ada ibu yang super awesome
boleh jadi dua; ibu dan ayah.

emm... tapi
Bukan semua orang faham kita.
Sebab sebenarnya
Perasaan tu tak sama.

Tengok orang lain sibuk bermanja dengan ayah masing masing.
bergelak ketawa.
pergi masjid sama sama
menjual sama sama
jalan sama sama
diwalikan oleh ayah masing masing.

kadang kadang,
pernah jugak minta dekat Allah swt supaya bagi balik abah

selalunya setiap kali solat abah ajak berjemaah sekali
selalunya pagi pagi abah hantar naik moto ke sekolah
bila lalu depan rumah cina tu ja mesti kena kejar anjing
waktu tu abah mesti bawa laju laju sambil gelak.
selalunya abah yang pergi tengok report card
lepas tu abah mesti senyum sebab abah dapat comment macam macam lawak la abah
selalunya abah yang prepare makanan lepas tu panggil kami anak anak belajar masak
sampai sekarang pun abah macam still alive

sebab ingat lagi bau abah mcm mna
tulisan abah macam mana
gelak macam mana
makanan abah mcm mna
cara abah baca Quran.
cara abah azan
lepas abah tak ada; macam mna life iqah turn upside down good to bad
Semua iqah ingat.

bila depan mama
mana boleh nampak lemah lemah
sebab mama kuat dengan anak anak
bila pergi kubur mesti cover cun punya
sebab takut mama nampak kami sedih

tapi deep down inside
rasa sakit hanya Allah swt sahaja yang tahu
nak meraung semua ada tapi Allah swt mesti pimpin

sebab tu saya cakap Allah swt faham

Dia akan heal kan dengan macam macam cara yang tak disangka.

Dari situ saya belajar,
Jangan pernah letak kebergantungan pada makhluk/hamba sebab tak ada siapa yang boleh faham kita
melainkan Dia.

and because of Him, I am still smiling :)

Lots of love,

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The more you know Allah swt, the more you feel taqwa.


Do you believe them when they say writing is hard? Oh God. I believe them. It's just that... I keep writing on something but because my heart does not really in it, I guess it just hmm rubbish. so I deleted them. well you asked it.. Yeah, it's called "your mind is saying it but not your heart." That is what happening to me,lately. but I can handle them very well with His help.

so here it is! :) May this post will help you to gain your imaan even for a second.

It's Ramadan now, well yeah. Ramadan. A month you could grab your taqwa. You've heard it hundred times or million times people been talking about it. Wait. No. It's not just random people around you. It is in the Quran, man. The words come from Him, Allah swt. Taqwa is in your heart. The prophet Muhammad saw said "At-taqwa ha huna.." while pointing to his chest three times.

You need actions to gain taqwa. Not just words. really. He's there all the time, and this is it. Ramadan. your time to gain taqwa and know Him very very well. Not your bestfriend or someone else, but as your God. Your Creator. Ar-Rahman,Ar-Rahim, and yeah name it all. Though it would be tough, trust me. There will be miracles when you believe. Try and get closer to Him and you will find yourself giving up on everything and turn to Him. Then you will know that you are not living for nothing. but to worship Him. and it's worth it. After that you will start to realize that your heart is actually alive and thanks to Him you realize it just before your time. You could see world in different point of view. More freedom, fun, and yet you know it is temporary. You would want a place which is more fun than this world, so you are thinking?

Yes, there is one place. Jannah. This is the month you can get yourself in a high rank of Jannah. You probably will. When you look into your heart, you look around you, you see yourself smiling looking at happiness and you see Allah swt behind it, that's TAQWA. You would see poeple who gain taqwa, they are really really discipline or what should I describe it. their actions, their words. They took care of it.

Guess I am writing quite a lot here. Sorry. hehe but yeah, finally one done. Happy Ramadan :) May Allah swt bless us. ALWAYS. Selamat mengejar keampunanNya dan meraih Taqwa. Sama sama kita perbaiki diri dan seterusnya ubah dunia.

The more you know Allah swt, the more you feel taqwa is living in your heart.

Lots of love,