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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Surat cinta dari Allah swt.

Assalamualaikum dear readers,
this week banyak sgt assignments nk disiapkan, but hehe curi masa to post this,

okay once upon a time,
ada seorang hamba Allah swt yang Farah agak rapat,
dan dia menceritakan masalah dia kepada Farah, a very complicated issues but yet sgt sgt memberi pengajaran buat herself and farah as well.
Masalah itu biarlah Allah swt yang menjadi saksi ,
but yeah kamu,
hope you will read this :)

Dear ______,
I am not good in giving you know, advise, but my dear sister, I, as your sister in Islam, really hope that you will stay strong and stay calm at all the time. Allah swt is actually testing you and if you look behind all these you can actually see that Allah is hoping you would come back all the way back (you know what I mean)  to Him. He is waiting for you, everyday. You have that strength to change but you try to run away. But sister, you are the chosen one from Allah swt to get the hidayah. Allah swt tahu life awak macam mana, dan Allah swt tahu what happened, But peganglah pada prinsip kun fayakun, if Allah swt wants it to happen, it will happen. Allah wants you to know that He is with you, everyday, every minute, every second, without you realizing it. Sister, Bila Allah swt uji kita, just percaya Allah swt, He knows what is best for you. seriously.
He knows your day are rough, He has that cure. the best cure. GO, talk to HIM. He will listen, He will help you. No matter what. Allah swt itu Maha segala Maha. Allah swt itu Maha Penyayang sayang.
teruskan berharap pada Allahu rabbi, Dia ada dengan kita, Tak jauh, Aib kita Allah swt pegang, jangan risau, semua yang berlaku semuanya atas keizinan Allah swt ;') Menangislah pada Allah swt, bacalah surat cintamu dengan Dia yakni Al-Quran, lihat kembali kepada fitrah kita yang sebenarnya rindukan seorang penyelamat, dan cukuplah Allah swt sebagai penolong buatmu, Allah rindu kamu. rindu.

stay strong my dear friend, sister, and in shaa Allah may we meet in Jannah.

surat cinta dari Allah swt itu bukan sekadar untuk hiasan di locker,
baca dan fahami dan ajarkan orang lain :)

jaga hati , jaga iman, jaga diri,
lots of love,

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

If only you can see Allah swt in front of you,

Assalamualaikum dear readers :)
It has been quite a long time since my last entry :)
and I've been staying in this Uni life like 3 weeks and 2 days, and it was quite a very long journey and yet there's so many things to be shared with all of you.So my life here, as a Uni student, I've been watching all those kind of moves from this Uni students, and some of them were really you know so pretty with their long skirts, long blouse and so on, really inspired people around them to dress just like them :) but then I just thought to myself, why are they wearing tight long skirts , why? and why are they wearing tight long blouse?
well, as a woman, as a girl, as a teenager, I might be concerned about this matter. even the boys do care about this matter how come, us, the girls you know don't really care about this kind of matter. 
but as I went through the weeks, I've learned something.

I am not here just to watch them moving around like that, they are the presenters from Islam, 
they are Muslims, well there's a quote that said "Islam is perfect, Muslims are not," AND I realized that,
but people, since Islam is perfect, and Muslims are not,why are we so you know tend to make mistakes and so on. We continue to make mistakes day by day.

Dear brothers and sisters, this is life, this is what we have to go through,
We make mistakes, so we have to repent, we have to get back, totally come back to Allah swt.
He's waiting for us, EVERY SINGLE DAY. We call ourselves a Muslim, but do we really care about how we look like, how we take care of our ibadah? We can say "oh, you don't know anything so tak payah nk bebel dekat sini." yeah I may not know everything, but He knows. everything.
He is your Creator.


and there is Haze, everywhere around here.
But brothers and sisters,
this haze has been told by Allah swt long time ago. you can read surah ad-dhukan verse 9 -12.
and you see those people, they are like seriously take care of their health, and really afraid of the haze because it might kill them and so on,
but do they know that Allah swt is the one who created the haze, and this haze is one of the good news for Mu'min people, and bad news for sebaliknya, faham la kan. so all of us terlalu takut dengan jerebu. but then, Allah swt? You should be more afraid of Him, He is looking at you everyday. and He watches you on how you try to get face mask and so on, and how nice are you because you really concerned about this matter, but what is left for Allah swt. 

"Jom ambil wudhu' ? " 

"oh kejap lagi bro, aku tak boleh keluar bilik ni, jerebu teruk sangat,"

"nak pergi masjid? oh jauh laa awak, jerebu dekat luar tu teruk, saya dengar bahaya kalau tersedut asap dia."

"eh jerebu? bahayaaaaa oh. boleh mati, can cause cancer ."

nampak? Jerebu bukan penghalang kita nak buat ibadat sebenarnya, sebab jerebu ni satu nikmat,
satu tarbiyyah yang Allah swt turunkan untuk kita untuk renung balik dan kembali sedar.
Allah swt tunggu. 

come with me, sama sama kita remind ourselves, 
Allah swt is with me, and Inni Akhofullah :)

may Allah swt bless us always , everyday:)

take care of your iman, take care of your heart:)
lots of love,

Monday, June 3, 2013

Let Him do the rest :')

Assalamualaikum :) wahhh finally I feel like 18 haha masuk U dan sejujur jujurnya, diri ini terasa asing pada awalnya.
Bila kita lalu, orang pandang pelik. sebab apa? sebab kita tak macam orang lain, fashionista semuanya, kita ni ? bertudung labuh, berhandsocks , bertutup dagu dan sebagainya. hanya mampu tersenyum. mula mulanya susah, tapi lama kelamaan hati ini kuat mengingatkan diri ini "wanita muslimah itu tidak memandang dan tidak pula dipandang." Allahu rabbi. Alhamdulillah Allah swt ingatkan diri ini, Allah swt ingatkan diri ini melalui hamba hambaNya untuk disampaikan buat diriku. Sungguh diri ini kadang kadang terlupa. awal awal homesick, teruk juga, tapi Allah swt hantar salah satu pesanannya melalui seorang sahabat yang bunyinya lebih kurang begini, orang kalau bergantung kepada manusia sememangnya begitu. Allahu Akbar. terus cepat cepat buang perasaan homesick tu :/ Alhamdulillah dah seminggu lebih di sini, cuba la sikit sikit adapt :)
dan alhamdulillah diri ini diterima oleh orang lain dan kadang kadang diri ini ditanya mengenai pelbagai jenis soalan, yang dari jenis pakaian sehinggalah bab agama,
sungguh ku katakan buat mereka, diri ini belum cukup ilmu, risau jgk kadang kadang mereka memandang diri ini tinggi sedangkan diri ini masih merangkak dalam mencari Ilmu Allah swt :) perjalananku masih jauh wahai sahabatku sekalian.
sungguh, sama sama lah kita mengejar ilmu akhirat dan in shaa Allah ilmu di dunia itu dapat diperolehi :) kalau yang terasa diri lemah di hadapan orang lain sebab kan dah jumpa kan kawan kawan semua dan semua hebat bukan? Pujuk dirimu wahai teman, pujuk hatimu, biar hatimu bekerja lebih sedikit, fikir balik, kenapa aku diletakkan di tempat ni? bersangka baiklah dengan Allah swt, percayalah segalanya telah diaturkan olehNya buat diri kita, tersimpan di sebalik aturan ini satu hikmah yang kita sendiri belum pasti, percaya lah Dia :) Dia Maha Mengetahui. Pegang kuatlah kamu dengan tali Allah swt, jangan sampai terlepas:) nak jadi hebat itu satu pilihan, kalau asyik tengok orang lain hebat sampai bila kita nak jadi hebat? salah satu rahsia kejayaan Nik Madihah apabila ditanya apa rahsianya sehingga berjaya ni, dan dia jawab "Habluminallah habluminannas" :) jaga hubunganmu dengan Allah swt, dan dengan manusia:) in shaa Allah diri kita bakal dijaga oleh Allah swt:) doakan kejayaan diri ini di dunia dan akhirat, in shaa Allah :)

with love,