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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Surat cinta dari Allah swt.

Assalamualaikum dear readers,
this week banyak sgt assignments nk disiapkan, but hehe curi masa to post this,

okay once upon a time,
ada seorang hamba Allah swt yang Farah agak rapat,
dan dia menceritakan masalah dia kepada Farah, a very complicated issues but yet sgt sgt memberi pengajaran buat herself and farah as well.
Masalah itu biarlah Allah swt yang menjadi saksi ,
but yeah kamu,
hope you will read this :)

Dear ______,
I am not good in giving you know, advise, but my dear sister, I, as your sister in Islam, really hope that you will stay strong and stay calm at all the time. Allah swt is actually testing you and if you look behind all these you can actually see that Allah is hoping you would come back all the way back (you know what I mean)  to Him. He is waiting for you, everyday. You have that strength to change but you try to run away. But sister, you are the chosen one from Allah swt to get the hidayah. Allah swt tahu life awak macam mana, dan Allah swt tahu what happened, But peganglah pada prinsip kun fayakun, if Allah swt wants it to happen, it will happen. Allah wants you to know that He is with you, everyday, every minute, every second, without you realizing it. Sister, Bila Allah swt uji kita, just percaya Allah swt, He knows what is best for you. seriously.
He knows your day are rough, He has that cure. the best cure. GO, talk to HIM. He will listen, He will help you. No matter what. Allah swt itu Maha segala Maha. Allah swt itu Maha Penyayang sayang.
teruskan berharap pada Allahu rabbi, Dia ada dengan kita, Tak jauh, Aib kita Allah swt pegang, jangan risau, semua yang berlaku semuanya atas keizinan Allah swt ;') Menangislah pada Allah swt, bacalah surat cintamu dengan Dia yakni Al-Quran, lihat kembali kepada fitrah kita yang sebenarnya rindukan seorang penyelamat, dan cukuplah Allah swt sebagai penolong buatmu, Allah rindu kamu. rindu.

stay strong my dear friend, sister, and in shaa Allah may we meet in Jannah.

surat cinta dari Allah swt itu bukan sekadar untuk hiasan di locker,
baca dan fahami dan ajarkan orang lain :)

jaga hati , jaga iman, jaga diri,
lots of love,

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